Friday, June 28, 2019

West Wing Reads President Trump Pursues Smart China Strategy Heading Into Meeting With Xi Jinping

West Wing Reads

President Trump Pursues Smart China Strategy Heading Into Meeting With Xi Jinping

“At President Trump’s planned meeting Saturday with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 Summit in Japan, Trump is expected to continue to advance a strategy that his administration introduced in his first six months in office: viewing China as a strategic competitor to the United States and its allies,” writes Dr. Nadia Schadlow, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, in Fox News.

“This shift from an enabling posture to a competitive strategy was a response to years of Chinese Communist Party efforts to shape the international system in a way that disadvantaged the United States on trade and advanced China’s authoritarian system.”

President Trump has two goals for that approach, Schadlow says. The first is fixing economic relationships so that America is never giving a strategic advantage to an adversary. The second is tilting the global balance of power toward free, open societies.

Click here to read more.
“Congress on Thursday approved $4.6 billion in emergency aid to deal with the border crisis, giving President Trump a symbolic victory on immigration and money to improve conditions for migrant children and families crowding the border,” Stephen Dinan and Gabriella Muñoz report in The Washington Times. President Trump “asked for the money nearly two months ago, but Democrats blocked it from being included in a disaster spending bill this month. Democrats also blocked 18 other Republican attempts to force the bill onto the floor.”
“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was one of the most comprehensive tax overhauls ever enacted,” Bruce Thompson writes in the Washington Examiner. “Yet as far as the media is concerned, the bill only slashed taxes for corporations and the wealthy . . . This characterization of the bill is false and misleading, yet it is an assertion endlessly reported by reporters and pundits in the national media, as well as Democrats.”
“Americans hate to wait. We scout out the shortest grocery line. We choose the fastest delivery option. We chafe at slow-moving internet speeds. And we don’t like to wait for health care when we or our loved ones urgently need it,” Steven Law writes in Fox News. “Why do government-run health care systems—including so-called single-payer schemes like Medicare-for-All—result in long waits for needed care? Because unlike the private sector, government has zero incentive to customize care to individual needs. It achieves efficiencies primarily by doling out one-size-fits-all health care to everyone, regardless of unique circumstances.”
“On behalf of doctors across America and their patients, I am writing to underscore the importance of the executive order President Trump signed this week on ‘Improving Price and Quality Transparency in Healthcare.’ Everyone will benefit from this, save for those who profit from keeping Americans in the dark,” writes Marni Jameson Carey, Executive Director of the Association of Independent Doctors, in the Washington Examiner.

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