Monday, April 15, 2019

1600 Daily The White House • April 10, 2019 A $32 trillion, socialist takeover of your healthcare

1600 Daily
The White House • April 10, 2019

A $32 trillion, socialist takeover of your healthcare 

“If you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you. It hasn't happened yet. It won't happen in the future.”

In April 2010, former President Barack Obama famously promised Americans that his government overhaul of U.S. healthcare wouldn’t burden their families: They could keep their plans, keep their doctors, and expect to see large savings in their premiums.

Those all proved to be lies. Nearly 5 million Americans were told their healthcare plans were going to be canceled in the first year of Obamacare. Average individual market premiums more than doubled from 2013 to 2017. Average premiums on the Federal exchange rose by $2,600 from 2016 to 2017 alone. And even President Obama himself later admitted that families would have to “make choices” to keep their doctors.

Congressional Democrats lied to the American people about healthcare once. Now, they’re prepared to do it again.

Today, self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders proposed a total government takeover of American healthcare. Less than a decade after Obamacare was passed, Congressional Democrats are lining up behind this radical vision—a stunning admission of Obamacare’s continued failure to deliver on its core promises to working families.

“Medicare for All” is what Democrats call the new plan. It’s a big, messy proposal, but here are the three things that every citizen should know about what it would do:
  1. End private insurance as we know it. The core of the Medicare-for-All scheme is to force nearly 180 million Americans with private health insurance onto government-run plans. Families would face the threat of losing their doctors and, indeed, any choice at all in their health care decisions.
  2. Seniors pay the price. America’s seniors have been paying their whole lives into a system that promised to take care of them in their old age. But as seen in European single-payer systems, “Medicare for all” will likely lead to less care for seniors and longer wait times. Twenty million Americans would lose their Medicare Advantage Plans.
  3. Cost $32 trillion. Who pays the exorbitant price tag? Working families. According to the Council of Economic Advisers, the tax increases would lower household incomes by $17,000 annually after taxes and healthcare expenditures.
Democrats are right that Americans need relief from Obamacare. They are wrong that doubling down on its worst mistakes will make our country stronger. No plan that hurts seniors, kicks 180 million Americans off their health plans, and burdens future generations with unprecedented debt is acceptable. Instead, the Trump Administration is working on realistic solutions to provide Americans with the options they want, the affordability they need, and the quality they deserve.

Compare Democrats’ socialist plan with President Trump’s real solutions 

More: Statement from Press Secretary Sarah Sanders 

The war on American energy is over

President Trump traveled to Houston today, where he signed two important executive orders to continue the revival of American energy dominance.

Under the Obama Administration, America had no shortage of energy supply but a huge shortage of the political will to become the world’s energy leader. Instead, crippling regulations stifled production and stalled projects—with the brunt of the pain felt by the workers who lost jobs and the families who were denied affordable electricity and gasoline.

President Trump took office with a commitment to responsibly develop our abundant resources and put American energy back on top globally. Now, just two years into his Administration, the United States is the number one producer of oil and natural gas on Earth.

Today’s actions continue this upward path by clearing the way for energy infrastructure development. The first order will speed up the approval process for vital energy projects—oil pipelines, roads, and railways—that were frequently blocked by entrenched bureaucrats. The second modernizes outdated regulations for liquefied natural gas export terminals, opening markets for American energy around the globe.

Watch: President Trump is making American energy number 1 on Earth

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump salutes as he boards Marine One on the South Lawn | April 10, 2019

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