Friday, January 24, 2020

West Wing Reads Schumer Whiffs Impeachment

West Wing Reads

Schumer Whiffs Impeachment

“An old Beltway joke is that the most dangerous place in Washington is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera. After Week One of the Trump impeachment trial, that deserves modification: The most dangerous place for Democrats is Chuck Schumer in front of a TV camera,” Kimberly Strassel writes in The Wall Street Journal.

“In fairness, Mr. Schumer was handed the weakest impeachment case in U.S. history. He began this exercise facing 53 Republican senators who spent months watching the most liberal House Democrats use secret hearings, leaked transcripts and strong-arm tactics to produce two vague and legally dubious articles of impeachment.”

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Democrats are demanding new documents and witnesses for the Senate trial—“even ones Democrats didn’t call for in the House. Democrats don’t seem to realize that they’re complaining that their own articles of impeachment are flimsy, lacking in substance, and failing to sway the American people or any objective senators,” Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) writes for Fox News.
Millions of Americans are already changing the channel on impeachment—literally. According to Nielsen data, as Democrats began making their arguments Wednesday, ratings plummeted by 19 percent and lost over 2 million TV viewers from Tuesday’s procedural debates, Helen Coster reports for Reuters.
“Americans' confidence in the U.S. economy is higher than at any point in about two decades.” The surging optimism “likely reflects the U.S. unemployment rate's continued stay at a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the Dow Jones Industrial Average continues to reach record highs -- and flirts with reaching the 30,000 marker,” Justin McCarthy writes for Gallup.
“‘Never Again.’ That is the vow United States Vice President Mike Pence made Thursday while speaking at the 5th annual World Holocaust Forum at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Standing with him were more than 40 senior world leaders and heads of state, each of them there to commemorate the day the gates of Auschwitz were torn down and to pledge to never allow another Holocaust to happen again,” Emily Jones reports for CBN News.

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