Tuesday, March 3, 2020

West Wing Reads Surgeon General: Be Cautious, But Not Afraid of Coronavirus

West Wing Reads

Surgeon General: Be Cautious, But Not Afraid of Coronavirus

“Since being named to the coronavirus task force, I've quickly made a few observations. It is clear we must continue to help Americans understand how to protect themselves, but also that we mustn't recreate the wheel. To address the disease outbreak, we can rely on tried-and-true planning and preparation that was begun long ago,” Surgeon General Jerome Adams writes for CNN.

“We've been through this before and no place in the world is better prepared to handle this challenge. Let's turn fear into actions that will help us all stay safe.”

Click here to read more.
A public health issue like the Coronavirus should unite political leaders and the media behind helping Americans stay safe and informed. Unfortunately, “many members of our corporate press only see the public health crisis as another opportunity to attack the president.” Madeline Osburn sets the record straight in The Federalist.
“For the first time in more than a decade, Americans regard the U.S. rather than China as the world's leading economic power . . . Throughout the past decade, Americans consistently named China as the leading economic power, including by roughly 20-point margins between 2011 and 2014,” Jeffrey M. Jones reports for Gallup.
“When the Taliban launched a series of attacks on the eve of [past peace] talks that killed dozens of Afghan citizens, Mr. Trump scrapped the whole deal and walked away. And then went right back to killing Taliban fighters. That is how you operate from a point of strength. Six months later, we are back at the bargaining table. The Taliban have demonstrated a reduction in violence,” Charles Hurt writes in The Washington Times.  

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