Trump Showcases Jobs Preserved by Paycheck Protection Program Amid COVID-19 Shutdown
“Michael Heup not only got his job back at Bitty & Beau’s Coffee, which was temporarily closed because of the COVID-19 crisis, but he also had the chance to talk about it at the White House on Tuesday,” Fred Lucas reports for The Daily Signal.
“‘I love my job, and I am excited about going back to work,’ Heup, a disabled employee, said at the East Room event.”
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“We can’t wait months. We must protect the vulnerable and mitigate without destroying the economy. Standing up to this virus can’t be the job of essential workers only. We’ve been strong, but we’re tired, and we need the rest of you to help us. By getting back to work,” writes Bronx emergency physician Daniel G. Murphy for the New York Post. |
President Trump signed a new executive order last night to “address questions in the food supply chain that have arisen during the coronavirus pandemic.” The order, leveraging the Defense Production Act, treats meat processing plants as part of our critical infrastructure, Christian Datoc reports in The Daily Caller. |
“New York’s [Coronavirus] response has been compared unfavorably to Seattle’s and to California’s.” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “clashed with his public health advisers, spent early March telling New Yorkers to get out and go about their lives, promised the subways were safe, and encouraged residents to make one last visit to their local watering holes hours before ordering them closed,” Politico writes. |
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